Being raised with the last name Stein, I can still remember being teased.
One moment that really stands out is the day that a few kids glued a quarter to the sidewalk and waited for me to unsuccessfully scrape it up and then taunt me with the refrain, “Don’t be so Steinish about it”.
This started my complicated relationship with money.
If I wanted it, I was Steinish and that was bad.
If I didn’t want it, I struggled and that was bad.
This became a loose:loose situation that I have healed over many years.
Now, working with clients that range from those on federal aid to those making over a million a year, my work has become about those that want the humans of the world to live healthier lives while they find healthy ways to grow their businesses.
Here are my top three tips to begin creating a healthier relationship with the money you make, the money you spend, and the money you have yet to encounter.
1. Create a budget. This one is big so let me say it again…CREATE a BUDGET! This will give you the freedom to know where you output, what you may want to change and what you have the room to spend. Most credit card/debit companies under your account setting can show you your average spending in the basics in a pie chart every month.
2. Invest in support. For some of you, this may be therapy, for others, it’s coaching with someone that understands both health and business. If you do nothing this year and continue old habits, you will most definitely get the same results
3. Break your own glass ceiling. You may think making money is hard or you have to constantly work to make more money. These statements DO NOT have to be reality. You can create a new reality to both work and play this year as your business grows.