business, growth, passion, balance

The Wellness Renegades blog


How to live your best life

How to Live Your Best Life!

Are you living your best life? What does it even mean to live your best life? In the Wellness Renegades community, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience in mental and physical health. People who are at the top of their game helping & healing people, whilst fulfilling their...
Marketing in the dark

Are You Marketing In The Dark?

Many wellness people don’t know if they are set up with the right tools to track data on their website. Your website data will help you identify what is working for you and what isn’t. Without this data, you are marketing in the dark! This is the first step in...
SEO Mistakes for Wellness People

The Top SEO Mistakes that Wellness People Make.

In working with hundreds of Wellness Professionals over the years, we hear this repeatedly: “I know I need SEO, but I don’t know where to start, and honestly, it all seems too hard.” If you are making SEO mistakes, often the only symptom is that your calendar is not as...
Herbal medicine lying flat on wooden slats along side a stethoscope

The secret to successful health and wellness coaching

Here’s something I hear from my clients all the time, and I am willing to bet that it resonates with you as well...I love working with patients, and I fit the business side in where I can.  Maybe it’s 50/50 or 80/20, regardless one thing is clear, business is not...
Sign on a desk with Grow Your Business written

7 Tips for Diversifying in the New Economy

I’ve been thinking a lot since the insurrection at the US Capital about the difference between a doomsday prepper, and just being prepared. A prepper is someone who is constantly ready for the economic and societal collapse that they believe inevitable. Although this is not outside the realm of possibility, I don’t...
Leather wallet with cards and money inside sitting on a wooden table

Becoming a Frugal Family

Being raised with the last name Stein, I can still remember being teased. One moment that really stands out is the day that a few kids glued a quarter to the sidewalk and waited for me to unsuccessfully scrape it up and then taunt me with the refrain, “Don’t be so Steinish about it”. This started...
Smiling child standing with cardboard wings on back looking toward the sky

Why We Became Renegades

Have you ever started a day on top of the world, only to be crushed by the mundane schedule in which you have landed. Wake up go to work, run around, dash home, shovel in dinner, all in the pursuit of health insurance, or the promise of a retirement fund...
Get Paid What You Are Worth by Jason Stein, Wellness Renegades

Get paid


Do you feel uncomfortable talking about money or even asking your patients to pay their bills?

Get this free E-book by wellness business coach, Jason Stein, and transform your money mindset!

Are you ready to take your finances to the next level?