Jason Stein
Chief Rogue Officer
With over 20 years of experience in the fields of wellness and coaching, Stein, L.Ac began his journey into the renegade lifestyle early on by pioneering one of the first integrative medicine programs in a western hospital. His quest to alter the disparity between practice skills and business acumen took him to his next position as the Chair of Professional Development at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine where he taught thousands of acupuncturists introductory business skills.
Jason has now nestled his business and family within the beauty of the Wallowa mountains in Joseph Oregon where he continues to dream, create and embody a dynamic interplay between business and life. Some of his favorite projects to date have been teaching executives to meditate, developing Chocolate Strategy Sessions, and co-hosting the Wellness Renegades Podcast with his partner in crime, Dr. Rachel.
The brains, brawn and beauty behind the magic!
Dr. Rachel
Chief Wellness Officer
As a doctor, mom, wife, and business owner I have mastered the art of balance as a means of self-preservation. I love working with other mamas who want to tackle their dreams with enough energy left to play with their family.
I help balance health, sanity and hormones by focusing on the foods you eat, the way you move your body and reminding you to rest. It's time to stop spending all of your time taking care of others and remember what it feels like to have the energy to take care of yourself!
Ziggy Edith
Chief Independence Officer
Born under auspicious aspects on the last prime number of September, Ziggy was bound to beat to her own drum. With an impressive repertoire of knock-knock jokes at her disposal, she can charm almost anyone.
She is also a self-proclaimed expert in the field of self-esteem and branding.
Cooper Henry
Chief Play Officer
With a wicked sense of style and unprecedented dance moves Cooper has a knack for enrolling even the most professional of businesspeople into the field of play.
His ability to put others at ease makes him our go-to in complex negotiations, and he has yet to meet an adult that can match him in his ability to ask the question, 'why'.
Our renegades say…

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Do you feel uncomfortable talking about money or even asking your patients to pay their bills?
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