We want to know:

Do you have an idea for
a Wellness Renegade episode?

Then you are in the right spot!

Our 3 guidelines

for Wellness Renegade Guests

1. Represent scale

Our listeners want examples of wellness and businesses that are proven to help at a reasonable degree of scale.

2. Increase our listener’s impact

Please articulate how your proposed topic would help our listeners increase their profits, relationships, and impact.

3. Market your episode

We give priority to prospective guests who commit to getting the word out if they are invited on the show.

Please share your details on our Google Form.

Wellness Renegades Podcast guests
Get Paid What You Are Worth by Jason Stein, Wellness Renegades

Get paid


Do you feel uncomfortable talking about money or even asking your patients to pay their bills?

Get this free E-book by wellness business coach, Jason Stein, and transform your money mindset!

Are you ready to take your finances to the next level?